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Psychological Testing Q & A

July 27, 2021

What is psychological testing?

Psychological testing is a process of understanding how a person thinks, learns, and feels. It is helpful in gaining a more complete understanding of how a person interacts with and interprets the world. After an initial clinical interview, the scope of testing will be determined and a specific battery of tests will be administered.

Testing can identify the presence of a variety of conditions, including but not limited to

  • ADHD
  • Learning disabilities
  • Mood disorders
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Degenerative cognitive problems.
  • Developmental delays
  • Personality disorders

What should my child or I expect from psychological testing?

Clinical psychologists at Orchard Wellness are skilled at providing a range of neuropsychological, psycho-educational, and psychodiagnostic. Each evaluation utilizes qualitative and quantitative testing to produce a thorough appraisal with recommendations for treatment and referrals. Assessments are individualized for each client based on a developmental and psychosocial history, medication history and medical and psychiatric histories. Testing focuses on the specific, relevant problems that need to be investigated, such as psychological problems, treatment resistance or failure, difficulties in school or work, cognitive processing issues, failure to launch, and treatment dilemmas.

Can anyone carry out psychological testing?

Not just anyone should provide psychological testing. Orchard Wellness uses highly qualified doctoral-level professionals to administer the tests, score the results, and interpret the outcomes. You should only undergo psychological testing with experienced clinical psychologists who specialize in this type of service.

What kinds of psychological tests are there?

Orchard Wellness uses a variety of cognitive, academic achievement, personality, and neuropsychological tests. Personality tests help analyze all the aspects that make up your personality, including:

  • Thoughts
  • Emotions
  • Attitudes
  • Behavioral traits

Psycho-Educational Assessment Services

​​​​​​​Psycho-Educational Assessments address concerns related to a student’s (Pre-K to Graduate level) academic performance and/or behavior both in the school setting and outside of school (i.e. homework completion, studying difficulties). Additionally, it can include testing for Giftedness and Intellectual Functioning. A psychoeducational assessment is helpful to identify the source of the learning difficulties whether it be related to Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Specific Learning Disorder, Trauma History, Anxiety, and/or Mood Disorder.

Testing for Psycho-Education Assessment typically includes (but is not limited to) the following comprehensive types of assessments:

        -Clinical/Background Interview

        -Cognitive Assessment (Intellectual Functioning)

        -Academic Achievement

        -Executive Functioning

        -Psychological/Behavioral Functioning

        -Family/Caregiver/School Input 

By completing a comprehensive group of measures it allows the doctor to help you put the pieces of the puzzle together to get the best picture of what is going on for the student.

After testing is completed, you will receive an easy to read written report that outlines the assessment findings, diagnosis(es) if any, and recommendations. Examples of recommendations include (but are not limited to) treatment recommendations, referrals for medication management, school accommodation recommendations (IEP or 504 recommendations), standardized testing accommodations, and entrance exam accommodation recommendations. 

Psychological tests are part of a comprehensive psychological assessment and should never be used on their own to make a diagnosis. Your expert provider at Orchard Wellness takes a detailed history from you and looks at your medical records and any other relevant records first. They then decide which psychological tests are most useful for your case.

Psycho-Diagnostic Assessment Services

Psycho-Diagnostic Assessments help provide clients of all ages a deeper understanding of their emotional, cognitive, personality, social, and behavioral functioning. This type of assessment can be helpful for individuals who:


        -Experience distress/discomfort in social interactions

        -Have a history of different doctors giving different diagnoses

        -Difficulties with activities related to daily living and functioning

        -Acting out behaviors

        -Interpersonal difficulties in relationships


        -Mood fluctuations


After completing a comprehensive battery of measures, the psychologist will review your results along with your medical and personal history and will schedule a comprehensive feedback session with you and others, such as outside therapists.

After testing is completed, you will receive an easy to read written report that outlines the assessment findings, diagnosis(es) if any, and recommendations.

For more information or to schedule a free consultation, contact

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