Michael Maka, PsyD

Michael Maka, PsyD

Clinical Associate


Dr. Maka is an empathetic therapist who believes that each session can be utilized as a vehicle for personal growth.  Within the therapeutic relationship, Dr. Maka holds an emphasis on exploring past experiences that have an influence upon the present, along with navigating through relational dynamics that become present during the therapeutic hour. Dr. Maka believes that focusing on these areas leads to a deeper understanding and awareness of one’s own thoughts and feelings, while helping to resolve the influence of troubling past experiences on the present.

Dr. Maka has experience working with adolescents and adults across various clinical settings, such as therapeutic day schools, psychiatric hospitals, an intensive-outpatient facility, and group practices. Dr. Maka has specialized training and interest in psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Currently, Dr. Maka holds a clinical coordinator position at Lake Forest High School. During his time at Lake Forest High School, Dr. Maka has assisted students and their family members in obtaining preventative services that would aid in the process of obtaining positive mental health. As an adjacent responsibility to Dr. Maka’s time at Lake Forest High School, he was assigned to the COVID-19 Metrics Advisory Group by District 115 and 65’s superintendent. The group entailed reviewing pertinent available data in order to correctly determine the movement between more or less restrictive instructional models and shaping suitable steps for maintaining student and faculty’s wellbeing.


Dr. Maka utilizes neuropsychological and projective assessments to provide individuals with further insight into areas of concern as well as to promote personal growth and aide in the process of overcoming innate and/or external obstacles. Should families require assistance in setting up a 504 Plan or Individualized Education Program, Dr. Maka would be able to help in the process as a means of establishing proper academic accommodations.



Dr. Maka received a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Loyola University Chicago, a Master’s of Arts in Clinical Psychology from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, a Doctoral Degree in Clinical Psychology from Adler University, and a Certification in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy from the Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis. 

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